Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gorgeous New Yarn

I went to a neat little yarn shop the other day, you know, the kind with amazing yarn in every color, thickness, and material in the world.  Ah, if I had a million dollars...  I did splurge and buy one skein I decided I couldn't live without.  It's a brand called Mini Mochi made of 80% Merino and 20% Nylon.   It was the color that stole my heart though.  A beautiful varigation of greens, purples and blues, all my favorites.  I'm not sure what this gorgeous new yarn will become, but I'm excited to find out :)


  1. That is beautiful yarn. I love yarn shops and have had to force myself to resist recently because I have such a supply at home, and very little time to knit or crochet.


  2. I know exactly what you mean! I am always telling myself I won't buy any more until I use up what I have. I have bags full of "hats" "scarves" and "blankets", they just aren't assembled yet, lol.
